Welcome! My name is Alexander Trapp. I play games badly and I work on creative content, such as Animations, Comics, Vlogs, and one day video games! Also I am the Lord of the THICC! Watch my live streams and stick around for my videos!
Let's have fun! Fun is allowed here! I encourage people to share their opinions and problems. What's not allowed is -
SELF PROMOTION (unless given permission)
HARASSMENT (Please Treat Everyone With Respect)
BACKSEATING (unless asked for)
BEING A JERK (if I'm not familiar with you, please keep the sarcasm to a minimum)
I'm just a human being like you are, and I make plenty of mistakes, and I laugh at my own dumbness all the time. Let's keep things light and cheery and we'll have a good time here!
My name is Alexander Trapp. I'm a guy who wants to make entertaining content. I started out as a screenwriter, wanted to be a live action film maker, but ended up becoming a sort of animator instead. I say "sort of" because I can't actually draw by hand. Pretty crazy, huh? I also play vidya games. Also, all the art you see here on these buttons was made by Dexter D. Lopez aka TricksterStreamsIt. Look him up and show him some love!