It's just our little interactive farm in 🇵🇹 Portugal. We got a few goats, a bunch of small pigs, chickens, ducks, and many other animals! (Check the list below)
Streaming since: 18/05/2020
Location: 🇵🇹 Portugal, Aveiro.
Story: It started because someone stole 1 goat from us in 2019, then we got another goat and installed the first security camera to keep an eye on her. Then I wanted to share the video with my brother that is in another country.... so I started to livestream it...
PayPal donos drop food!
You can feed the animals in many ways:
- Free: Channel points
- Free: Raid us! More people = more food!
- Free: Share our stream on Twitter!
- Subscribing: once a day, use !df
- Bits: More bits = More food!
- PayPal: More $ = More food
- MBWay: Mais € = Mais comida 🇵🇹