Martin, machine operator. I grew up in the countryside, and have all my knowledge and experience from real life there.. You can also follow me IRL with driving trips, drone filming etc. we do a lot in games together with Denmark's coolest farming community Business inquiries // [email protected]
Donationer går Dirkete til At holde Cirkuset her gående dag efter dag så regningerne kan betales .og så vi i Fremtiden kan holde gang i Streamen.
Tak for støtten!
Donations Sound Alerts:
1$ Puke
2$ Gnavpottie
3$ Loud Shotgun
4$ Massey 8480 blankrør
5$ skal du have den i fregatten
6$ Dolph i ringer bare røvhuller
7$ Kill the kok
8$ Crazy Realistic Knocking
9$ Lack of respect for the law
10$ Orgasm
11$ Wild shoot
12$ Phasmophobia
13$ Extreme Orgasme +++
14$ Knight rider remix Four Minutes
15$ Kandis Crap
16$ Road Morgen kællinger morgen mix
20$ Thomas loud as hell
25$ Shotgun
27$ Dixie Horn
29$ Nuclear Fusion EXTREME
30$ Atomic Bomb
33$ Despicable me whistle song
39$ Donald Duck blow job
43$ Ali a intro Bass B
50$ X-Files VS Knight rider
53$ Turban say goodbye
58$ scotlandforever Extreme loud
61$ Thomas tog fucking Loud
100$ Russisk Suck a blyant
130$ Fucking Hell Breaks Loose
150$ Slaughterhouse
156$ En Fucking lorte ring af guld 4 minutter
188$ Bits Godzilla Long Roar
+16 år for at donere (ellers skal du have tilladelse af dine forældre)
Top Donators
benno13 DKK 49.284,71
larshenrik82 DKK 13.000.00
Gejl376 DKK 3,000.00
Rasmushouen DKK 2630,00
Malthe1dk DKK 2505,00
j_aamand DKK 2,330.00
avognmand71 DKK 1,500,00
mikeengelin DKK 1490,00
Malthe1dk DKK 1479,00
deagle1202 DKK 1400,00
Viking1977 DKK 1200,00
KielderDK DKK 1000,00
Mark P DKK 995,00 DKK
ThomasE DKK 940,00
Rasm649n DKK 810,00
Stross_89 DKK 690,00
Carperalle5 DKK 648,00
Søren DKK 589,00
Rasmuslindo DKK 550,00
HotRodRacer DKK 545.00
Jesperk DKK 530,00
Racmul DKK 530,00
Vestergaard1964 DKK 520,00
Kenny DKK 517.00
rasm649n DKK 500,00
Bellviruz DKK 190,00
92zimmer DKK 150,00