kick lets go! 

Welcome to the official channel of SaiyaGamerTV. Business Email: [email protected] | Someone who treats video games like its a sport or a chess match + live fan art. DBZ pencil drawings. Playing video games is what I am. This is it for a living. I share gameplay to save me, and other people like me; to calm down and escape from the negative. 90's console era baby! PLEASE!!! TRUST MY TASTE and skill in games and u will be glad u came. Not the best but a highly seasoned player.


Please please remember you don't have to EVER pay a thing! You can enjoy watching me for free and I'd love to have you, it is an absolute privledge and it is a pleasure. All tips go to caring for my pets and trying to pay off family home as well as internet and monthly game subscriptions and it is truly so greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support. Love you all.


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