Hello my name is Trevor. I just want to game and share my life. https://devoutcraziness.us
Ive always been into web development as long as I can remember using the internet. I started out like many other people using geocities, blogspot, angelfire and my most proud accomplishment getting a site on xepher.net. I've went through paying for servers and domains, creating my own server on my desktop using apache, and learning mysql and php along the way.
I started Devout Craziness in the early to mid 00's on blogspot. Throughout all of this Ive never had a single comment on a post, never even know if anybody reads it or uses the site. But I do enjoy sharing my thoughts and exploits, so I've continued doing it. My biggest motivator initially was using it as a blog and sharing my artwork, now I am seeing its potential many other things, and am really going to be pushing forward for doing more Interviews.