
ImmoralFlame is offline

About ImmoralFlame

Hey everyone, the name's George from Bulgaria and I'm a full-time streamer. When I was in high school I wanted to be a rockstar, but I ended up playing clone hero with a playlist of mostly alt rock/emo bands while holding the keyboard sideways like a guitar lmao, the rest of the stuff I do are hosting discord game shows, inviting streamers to my own kick themed games, variety of games like LoL, DBD, fortnite, souls games, platformers, pokemon, TCG, ps2 etc

Click the thumbnail and it will redirect you to my socials

I stream almost everyday at 6 PM EEST, which is UTC+3

!p - give yourself a shout-out
!joke - A random joke pops in the chat
!discord - shows my channel
!tts - voice message on stream
!lurk - Indicates that you're lurking
!shoot - you will play Russian Roulette
!slap @name - slap someone
!hug @name - hug someone
!death - counts the times I've died in a game
!adddeath - Add a death counter in chat
!resetdeaths - resets the counters
!snake - how long is your snake lmfao

There are also different drink commands if you wanna give people drinks with simply writing for example !water @name and many alcohol type as well XD

You can also use blerp sounds. So one must register from, then install the browser extention from the site. Watch to earn points, spend points and beets by clicking the blerp icon next to the settings at bottom of chat window

I'm hosting my own discord game shows. Specifically the one I'm currently doing Is a turn based spinning wheel show. Everyone in the voice call with opened webcams spin once per turn and get a random challenge. They can either skip it or do it, but if you skip, you lose a life. You start with 3 lives. Last person standing gets 3 subs. I will send you the challenge list in discord as well. I also do shout-outs during the stream and send you the whole show after we are done so you can download it for your own benefit.

  1. Do you play anything below 90s music? No. I mainly play alternative rock/punk from the 20s till 2010 approximately. The rest of the songs that I have are either newer or something I love.
  2. Do you take requests for songs? Yes, as long as they meet the requirements
    from the first question and it's coded.
  3. Why am I banned/ignored? I probably banned/ignored you, because I don't like your vibes due to either being aggresive or pretending to be nice/supportive. If at first I came and showed plenty of love and support and stopped recently, it's because I stopped receiving it back. I love genuine people. Don't take it personal either way. Not a drama fan.
  4. What is this rhythm game you play? It's called Clone hero and you can download it from here:
  5. Why do you use a keyboard as a guitar? I tried a wireless guitar, but it made some issues, so eventually when I have enough money Ill get a wired one
  6. How can I find a song I'm hearing from your stream? If you use Chrome/Opera google shazam extension. If you use Firefox - google Song Identifier extension. If you use Edge - google AudD extension.

We honor and remember the streamers/supporters who have made a significant impact on our community and who are no longer with us. Their contributions and memories live on in our hearts.


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