Ex Pro FPS and TPS Player on the MLG Circuit + Pro Gears of War Coach! $50k Reality Show Winner called "The Controller: Battlefield 3" -You can watch all episodes Free on Youtube Also on WCG ♥ old #eSports Host/Caster For GameSpot, CBS & More - ♥ Over 15 1st Place Finishes in ONLINE and LAN/MLG tournaments ♥ Top Female Gears of War 1 Player ♥ OG Twitch Partner Category + Youtube Partner w/ Disney ♥ Cosplayer ♥ Lewd Content Creator as well ✧༺♥༻∞ Kidney Donor to father to save his life 1/21/2015
Kelly has a TON Of Videos explaining her history, favorite games, gear and gaming events, so please do NOT Hesitate to visit her YOUTUBE CHANNEL If you have any more obvious questions that can clearly be answered via YT ♥
♪37 years old
♫Been competing at Local & online tournaments since age 12! shocking, I know ♥ My first win, was in Magic the Gathering! Around 2005, I started to attend more local tournaments,rather then compete in Online ones that wouldn't even pay out, I looked ahead to MLG events. 2007 Meadowlands was my 1st MLG and the rest is History!
♫ Vegan Since Jan 5, 2018
♪(Current hair) Medium Length & Brown
• No Tips, Tricks, Suggestions or HELP unless asked by Kelly - she will usually go FULL Screen and specifically ask you for assistance ♥
• PLEASE refrain from coming into the chat and blurting out anything from the above statement ^^
• Be Kind to each other, Kelly likes debates and discussion, but the moment it becomes personal or "Attacking" starts, please just STOP
• Trolling = INSTANT BANHAMMER ** Do not come in begging for gameplay, or say something snarky like "Nice gameplay" when Kelly is casting.
• Be Patient. If Kelly doesn't say hello, there's a REASON WHY. Trying to keep up every second is hard but she will do her best ♥
• CONSOLE WARS ARE A NO NO! Respect all different forms of gaming! You don't know that persons life, situation at home, financial business...so be kind towards others ♥
• Bad language is totally ok, but some words do get censored out. Its all gravy! ♥
• No LINKS UNLESS There is a specific discussion at hand or is