siemgirl's Kick Channel
▹Rispetta l’opinione degli altri.
▹No link esterni, pubblicitá e promozione propria o di alcun genere.
▹Niente linguaggio scorretto, diffamazione, offese, flame.
▹Nessun commento di tipo razzista, anticulturale o contro determinati stili di vita.
▹Non sono ammesse pornografia e discussioni correlate.
▹Divertiti e mantieni una mente aperta.
▹Non chiedere di giocare o collaborare con Siemgirl durante lo stream se non esplicitamente richiesto da streamer o staff. Se sei interessato per una collaborazione contatta un moderatore o scrivimi alla mia business email.
▹Respect other people's opinion.
▹No external links, self-promotion or promotion of any kind
▹No flaming, keep things civil, no insulting
▹No racial, cultural, lifestyle comments/slurs: this is a mixed community with diverse people.
▹No pornography, no links to pornography, obsence or nude images including hentai and cartoons/animations.
▹Be friendly, be helpful, Be gentle .
▹Don't ask to play or collab with Siemgirl while streaming if i am not actively looking for that. If you are interested in collabing: reach out to moderators or contact me via my business email.
Donations are not expected or required and if you choose to donate thank you so much for your support.
~DIsclaimer: by donating to my paypal or other donation options you are claiming that the money being donated is your own money and you are willingly and voluntarily donating this money. you acknowledge that you are receiving no items in return for this donation, and that the money donated is non-refundable. ~Thank you so much for your support and generosity ♡